Balboa is not a hot tub brand

Balboa is not a hot tub brand - Click to enlarge

Balboa Water Group has been a big player in the global spa market for more than two decades, and their components are everywhere, but — just as Intel didn't make your computer — Balboa is not a spa manufacturer.

A lot of people see "Balboa" on their spa keypad, and think that they have a Balboa spa. This is a mistake: Balboa manufactured the keypad and control system, but your spa was manufactured by a different company, who sourced the components from Balboa.

This practice is extremely common in the industrial world, and the spa industry is no exception. Major brands do not manufacture all the components themselves. They buy control systems, and equipment (jets, filters, acrylic, etc.) from different specialists.

On our website, there are many Balboa spare parts for sale: control systems, control keypads, pumps, heaters, sensors, and nozzles, all of excellent quality.

It can be helpful to know the brand of your spa, but the brand of the spare parts that make it up can vary depending on when it was manufactured. If you need help concerning a specific part, what we need to best answer your questions is simply the reference and/or dimensions of the model to be replaced.