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Balboa cables and other parts

Listed here are the various extension cords, backlight bulbs, Y-connector cable and other parts for your Balboa spa keypad.

Please contact us if the part you are looking for is not listed!

Balboa ControlMySpa WiFi controller
Balboa ControlMySpa
In stock
Zavepower Spa Energy Optimiser module
Zavepower Spa Energy Optimiser
In stock
Balboa extension cord for ML keypads - 2 meters
2 meter ML keypad extension cord
19,00€  9,50€
In stock
Balboa extension cord for ML keypads
ML keypads
In stock
Balboa extension cord for VL keypads
VL keypads
In stock
Balboa extension cord for auxiliary keypads
Auxiliary keypads
In stock
Balboa piezo button with LED
Piezo button with LED
In stock
Balboa relay kit for heat pump
Heat pump relay kit
In stock
Balboa Y cable for AX keypads
Y cable for AX keypads
In stock
Acrylic adapter plate for keypads
Adapter plate for keypads
In stock