Control systems and keypads

What does this error message mean?

What does this error message mean?

Here is a rundown of the main error messages you might get on various keypads, and the steps to solving the problem.

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Error codes on my keypad - Gecko control systems

Error codes on my keypad - Gecko control systems

Here are the main error messages you might get on your keypad, and the steps to solving the problem.

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How to switch modes with a Balboa keypad

How to switch modes with a Balboa keypad

Most Balboa hot tub control systems have three operating modes: Standard, Economy and Sleep. This modes affect the times at which the hot tub will heat, and therefore affect the overall power consumption.

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How to lock and unlock your keypad?

How to lock and unlock your keypad?

The “lock” function that is on some keypad models can be very useful if you do not want guests or children (who should never be left unattended in a spa) meddling with system settings, while still allowing them to change massage jets or light settings.

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What spare parts do I need for my control system?

What spare parts do I need for my control system?

Are you looking for a specific replacement part for your control system? We have listed here the main spare parts for the control systems sold on our website: motherboards, heaters, sensors, fuses, etc.

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How to configure a Balboa control system: general rules

How to configure a Balboa control system: general rules

All Balboa control systems have their own features, but there are some general installation rules, to avoid mistakes when connecting the cables and equipment.

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My hot tub doesn't get hot, or not hot enough

My hot tub doesn't get hot, or not hot enough

You turned your spa on yesterday, but the water is still only lukewarm, or even cold? You might have a heater problem, but other - often more simple - reasons can also be the source of the problem. We'll explain, step by step, how to identify the cause of these malfunctions.

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I would like to replace my Ethink control system

I would like to replace my Ethink control system

Your Ethink spa control system is no longer working and you need to change it? We don't offer Ethink products, but we can suggest very reliable alternatives, manufactured by Balboa and equipped with the same AMP sockets used by Ethink.

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I need to replace my CL2000 control system

I need to replace my CL2000 control system

Do you need to replace the old CL2000 control system on your Clearwater spa? There is no direct equivalent, but we can help you choose from several close alternatives.

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Standard drawings for a concrete spa

Standard drawings for a concrete spa

There are various ways to build a concrete spa, but there are some common elements to most designs. We put together this guide after working with customers on several concrete spas.

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