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LVJ Medium 3-inch jets

Here you will find the LVJ "Medium" jets. You can easily switch the jets, the diffuser being the same on all models (see illustrations below).

The diameter of the face is approximately 84 mm, and are called 3" by the brand.

LVJ 3" jet - Crystal Directional
Crystal Directional
In stock
LVJ 3" jet - Flying directional
Flying directional
In stock
LVJ 3" jet - Crystal Twin Roto
Crystal Twin Roto
In stock
LVJ 3" jet - Flying Twin Roto
Flying Twin Roto
In stock
LVJ 3" jet - Tourbillon directional
Tourbillon directional
In stock
LVJ 3" jet - Tourbillon Rotary
Tourbillon Rotary
In stock
LVJ 3" jet - Tourbillon Twin Roto
Tourbillon Twin Roto
In stock
LVJ 3" jet - Tourbillon Spiral
Tourbillon Spiral
In stock
LVJ 3" jet - Wellis Directional
Wellis Directional
In stock
LVJ 3" jet - Wellis Roto
Wellis Roto
In stock
LVJ 3" jet socket
3" jet socket
In stock
LVJ 3" jet socket LED
3" jet socket LED barbed
In stock
LVJ / Wellis 3" jet socket LED smooth
3" jet socket LED smooth
3 weeks