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Ozonators are no longer authorised for sale in the EU

Since 1 July 2024, hot tub ozone generators are subject to the European Union Regulation on biocidal products. This regulation aims to strengthen safety standards and ensure a more responsible use of biocides, while protecting human health and the environment.

The import and production of ozone generators is therefore no longer allowed in the European Union, and their sale is prohibited from 1 January 2025 onwards.

Waivers may be granted to some ozone generators in the future, but the process to apply for a waiver is long and expensive, and current manufacturers have told us that they do not plan to do so.

What are the alternatives?

If you want to replace your current ozonator, what other solution is available to you? The easiest way is to substitute another oxidizing product in place of ozone. For example,you can add small doses of Non-Chlorine Shock to your spa water. This solution is less practical than ozone because the ozone generator performs a continuous dosage, without intervention on your part, but the result is the same.

If you are looking to replace your ozonator with another automatic system, look at the possibility of installing a disinfection system with UV-C rays. This system contains a lamp that emits ultraviolet rays that disinfect the water without any chemicals. Note, however, that a UV-C system does not directly install in place of an ozone generator. Contact us to find out if this solution could be suitable for your spa.