PWL25P4 filter

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PWL25P4 filter - Click to enlarge
PWL25P4 filter - Click to enlarge
PWL25P4 filter - Click to enlarge

Also available is the Claralys version of this filter, made in France, whose honeycomb-textured fabric won't fray with use and captures more impurities than generic filters, so you can be sure of the best possible filtration.

Diameter: 145 mm
Length: 173 mm
Top: Handle
Bottom: 1.5" MPT thread (46-47 mm outside diameter)

Measure the length of the filter excluding the handle and the threaded pipe.

Filters from different manufacturers all have slightly different handles. The most common are a cone-shaped handle (Unicel) and a D-shaped handle (Pleatco), but they are all compatible with one another. If the length and diameter match, then this is the correct filter for your spa.

Tubs offers both the classic and Microban versions of this filter. Microban inhibits the growth of bacteria on the surface of your hot tub filter. Microban filters stay clean longer and last longer than conventional spa filters.

This filter is fully interchangeable with the PWL35P4-M. The only difference is the number of folds in the filtration fabric, and therefore the filtration surface area. The PWL25 has a surface area of 25 square feet, and the PWL35 has a surface area of 35 square feet. If only there was a way to figure out the surface area directly from the part number, it would save us a lot of time looking this stuff up...

Spa manufacturers who use this filter
Wellis (Budapest, Bruxelles, Dublin, Ibiza and Prague hot tubs)

The Microban version is no longer sold by Pleatco.

Part numbers
Darlly: SC809 / 50653
Wellis: AKU1610 / AM00243
Zenity : 5ZH-WL25
Claralys : CWL25P4
Pleatco: PWL25P4-M (Microban)
Wellis: AKU0136 (Microban)

PWL35P4-M filter

PWL35P4-M filter

This filter is exactly the same size as the PWL35P4-M, but has a larger filtration surface area.more information...
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