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Silver Sentinel micro-filter 355 mm

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Silver Sentinel micro-filter 355 mm - Click to enlarge
Silver Sentinel micro-filter 355 mm - Click to enlarge
Silver Sentinel micro-filter 355 mm - Click to enlarge
Silver Sentinel micro-filter 355 mm - Click to enlarge

The Silver Sentinel filters out much smaller particles than traditional filters - down to 1 micron instead of 30 microns - to give even clearer, more sparkling water.

Do not use flocculants such as 3-in-1 water clarifier with this filter, as they will shorten its life without providing any benefit for your spa water.

Like all micro-filters, "Silver Sentinel" filters are designed for a single use. They last for 6 to 12 weeks and should not be cleaned. They are made from polypropylene, and - once dry - can be recycled with other polypropylene materials.

You can replace a Silver Sentinel filter with a traditional-style filter cartridge, model CWW50L.

Diameter: 125 mm
Length: 355 mm
Top: closed
Bottom: female-threaded (SAE) opening with an inside diameter of 44 mm

Spa manufacturers who use this filter
Arctic Spas, Angels Spa, Evolution, Hydropool, JFC (250, 550, 650), Monarch, Sunrise

Part numbers
Arctic Spas : 006541

Traditional-style filter
Rising Dragon : RD50 / RD800-2110
Pleatco : PWW50L
Unicel : 4CH-949
Filbur : FC-0172
Darlly : SC757 / 40508
Waterway : 817-4050
Angel Spa : FIL-PRB50-AVIS
Centurion : SC757

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