Spare parts for Waterway Executive pumps

We stock spare parts for Waterway Executive single-speed and two-speed pumps. The numbered components in the exploded diagram correspond to the individual items below.

Pump models change over time, and the new parts will not exactly match the old ones. You can safely replace the wet end seal or an o-ring on a 15 year-old pump, but replacing the impeller, wear ring or faceplate may lead to compatibility issues if your pump is more than three years old. If you are in this situation, we advise you to spend a bit more, and replace the complete wet end. That way, you will get a complete unit with parts that are exactly made to fit each other.

Waterway drain plug o-ring
2. Drain plug o-ring
In stock
Waterway Executive faceplate
4. Faceplate
In stock
Waterway Executive wear ring
6. Wear ring
In stock
Waterway Executive impeller
7. Impeller
In stock
US Seal PS-1000 - wet end seal
8a. PS-1000 wet end seal
In stock
Wet end seal PS-3865R for salt water
8b. PS-3865R for salt water
In stock
Waterway Executive 56-Frame wet end
56-Frame wet end
In stock
Waterway Executive 48-Frame wet end
48-Frame wet end
7 weeks
US Motor AGH20FL250 2-speed motor
US Motor two-speed motor
In stock
EMG 90/2 single-speed motor
EMG 90/2 single-speed motor
1 week
EMG 90-2/4 two-speed motor
EMG 90-2/4 two-speed motor
In stock
Fan cover for EMG 90 motor, ∅180 mm
EMG 90 fan cover, ∅180 mm
In stock
Fan for EMG 90 motor
EMG 90 fan
In stock
Capacitor box for EMG 90/2 single-speed motor
EMG 90/2 motor connection box
In stock
Pumps contactor 16A
Contactor 16A
In stock