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Waterway Flo-Pro skimmer

Below you will find an exploded view of the Waterway Flo-Pro skimmer to find the spare parts that you need. The numbered parts correspond to the parts in the list below. The parts are also compatible with the newer Flo-Pro II skimmer.

This skimmer uses PRB17.5, CRB35, CRB25 et CRB50 filters.

Waterway skimmer weir foam
2. Weir foam
In stock
Waterway Top-Load spacer ring
5. Skimmer spacer ring
In stock
Pair of PRB17.5 filters
6a. Pair of PRB17.5 filters
In stock
Claralys CRB35 filter
6b. CRB35
In stock
Claralys CRB25 filter
6c. CRB25
In stock
Claralys CRB50 filter
6d. CRB50
In stock
Pair of filter diverter plates
8. Adjustable diverter plate
In stock
Complete Waterway Flo-Pro Skimmer
Complete Flo-Pro skimmer
In stock
Filter cartridge puller
Filter cartridge puller
In stock