Wellis light controller

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Cable and plug
Wellis light controller - Click to enlarge
Wellis light controller - Click to enlarge
Wellis light controller - Click to enlarge
Wellis light controller - Click to enlarge

With its 3-pin connector cable, this control unit connects to a 12V AC source such as a Gecko MSPA or Astrel control box, among others. You can also choose to pre-cable it with an AMP plug if you have a Balboa or a Waterway control box for example.

Its two 5V DC outputs allow to connect Wellis auxiliary lights (a 4-LED spyder or a 7-LED slave light for example). A daisy-chain connection is also possible with a splitter.

The control unit manages the color changes so that all LEDs remain synchronized.

100 x 70 x 40 mm

Input voltage: 10.5-13.2V AC
Output voltage : 5V DC
Maximum power: 30 W

Part numbers
Wellis / Phybris : ACM0802